Annex Canterwood Now

It is time now to get annexed into Gig Harbor.  It is the best thing for our community, our taxes, our sewers and the quality of life to be maintained.

It is time to be treated fairly and avoid costly problems in the near future.

Annexation Updates

Meeting Agenda: September 19 Canterwood Update

Download a PDF of the Agenda for the September Meeting Agenda for Sept 19th, 2023 Canterwood Community Meeting* *This meeting is not authorized by the Canterwood HOA 5:30 PM – Welcome/Introductions We would like to keep this meeting to no more than 1.5 hours. Wrap-up...

Dear STEP Board Members:

We are starting the 2020 summer campaign for the annexation of Canterwood to the City of Gig Harbor. This year, we are focusing on residents connected to STEP systems, and hope that we can offer them a real dialogue with the two STEP Boards. Last year, the two STEP...

  1.  The last time CW petitioned the City of Gig Harbor for annexation was in 2008.  Since then members of STEP have paid over one million dollars to the City which was never the intention of the agreement between the Canterwood Development Company and the City of Gig Harbor.
  2. Canterwood is essentially built out and needs for its own protection to be part of the City.
  3. There are no factual reasons why it is not in the best interest of everyone in Canterwood to be annexed.

Call to Action  We are forming a steering group of  five pro-annexation residents to get a list of exactly what the City wants before it is voted on by the  residents.  We will ask Mike Wilson who was the City Administrator and created the extension agreement.   He is is now retired and volunteered to represent Canterwood in negotiating with the City.  Please check this Canterwood Annexation site for updates and sign up for email updates.  We take your privacy seriously. We don’t share or sell your information.

Read the letter to the Home Owners Association

“Why not have the Canterwood HOA manage the proposed annexation? Good question requiring some history. The city’s procedure of annexation is for standard neighborhoods that do not have HOAs. It is real straight forward. Ten percent of the residents in the area requesting annexation petition the city to start the process. We did this 11 years ago….”

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What is Annexation?

Annexation by Washington Cities and Towns, published by MRSC.
Click the Annexation link above to download this publication,  a great source of information about annexation. has been given permission by MRSC to publish this document for the purpose of the Canterwood’s HOA Explore Annexation Committee to educate and inform Canterwood homeowners.

Annexation is a public process to expand a city’s jurisdiction to areas adjacent to existing city limits.
Through annexation, a city extends voting privileges, taxing and governing authorities, police protection, and municipal services to appropriate areas.

The history of all cities in the US is to annex outlying areas as they develop into residential neighborhoods.  Those in the outlying areas wish to have city services and have a say in their local area that are not available from Counties.

Cities tend to be cautious about annexing areas unless there is a viable commercial business infrastructure, that generate sales tax, but they have an affirmative responsibility from the State Growth Management Act to annex.

  • The August 2015 City of Gig Harbor’s adopted UGM (urban growth management) area map includes Canterwood (uga-map-2014-4).

Notably in our area we’ve seen huge civic efforts in Lakewood and University Place to incorporate and create their own cities instead of just being in Pierce County. They did not have the benefit of an adjoining beautiful city to join as we do; the City of Gig Harbor WA.

Remember they had to start from scratch forming or subcontracting to other cities for the basic activities that make a city work.

What’s in it for Canterwood?

  1. Tax revenue will remain in with the City and not spread across Pierce County.
  2. All residents connected to one of the STEP systems will save 33.3% on the consumption portion of the STEP bill which will result in a savings of $60.00 bi-monthly.
  3. Gig Harbor Police has code-access into Canterwood and would coordinate with Canterwood security staff to develop a schedule for patrolling Canterwood on a daily basis. The fact that Canterwood roads are private and it is a gated community is irrelevant regarding police patrol. However, police can only issue a citation for DUI, nothing else (GH police cannot give tickets on private roads, with the exception of DUI violations that supersede all laws regarding private roads).
  4. A voice in future parks and recreation development. Canterwood would continue to be part of Peninsula Metro Parks.
  5. Canterwood residents would have the opportunity to participate directly in local government matters including running for office on the Council or being appointed to Boards & Commissions.

Annexation Myths and Facts

We will have to install sidewalks, curbs and gutters. No

We will all have to decommission our septic systems and connect to city sewers at our expense. No

Our Property taxes will go up.
– For most residents taxes will decrease, for some, it will be a wash.

Gig Harbor police will not patrol our streets because they are private.
– With Annexation we’d be incorporated into the City of Gig Harbor, therefore we’d have the City of Gig Harbor police protection, regardless of the private roads.

Our fire protection and emergency medical service will change. No

We will have to increase the number of fire hydrants within the community No

We will have to bring our homes up to present building codes. No

Pre-Annexation Issues of Concern

  1. Taxes: Pierce County vs. City of Gig Harbor
  2. Sewers: Sewer expenses will be lower for STEP system users
  3. Sidewalks, curbs, and gutters: No Change
  4. Street maintenance: No Change
  5. Storm water: No Change
  6. Police coverage: Gig Harbor Police patrol 7 days per week
  7. Use of Golf Carts on private roads: No Change (other than the new March 2019 HOA registration requirement)
  8. Fire protection and Emergency medical service: No Change
  9. Fire Hydrant spacing: No change
  10. Building Permit process: Pierce County vs. City of Gig Harbor
  11. Water System: Canterwood Water Company / Peninsula Light: No Change
  12. A voice in future parks and recreation development. Canterwood would continue to be part of Peninsula Metro Parks
  13. Canterwood residents would have the opportunity to participate directly in local government matters
  14. We know Canterwood residence are generally very supportive of Gig Harbor.
  15. And much, much more, let’s keep the conversation moving!

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